Building a strong brand can mean the difference between business success and failure. For example, a company’s name, logo and/or slogan should be distinct and memorable. Otherwise, that branding effort risks being lost in a competitive marketplace. Formal registration of these marketing tools, via formal trademark registration, can help to ensure that these efforts are distinct and that others cannot infringe upon these pieces of intellectual property.
While some business owners may wonder whether formal trademark registration is worth the effort, the advantages of registering a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) often far outweigh any initial costs and time investment.
Rights, protection and recourse opportunities
If you run a business, one of the primary benefits of registering a trademark is that it grants you the exclusive right to use your mark in connection with your company’s goods or services. This means that no other business in your industry can legally use a mark identical or confusingly similar to yours. Formal registration gives you the legal tools to more effectively prevent others from infringing on your brand and can help you build a unique identity within your industry.
Registering your trademark will also make it easier to enforce your rights if infringement does occur. If someone else uses a mark that is similar to yours without permission, you’ll have an easier time taking legal action to stop them. Registered trademarks provide stronger legal standing in court that can allow you to sue for damages, including lost profits.
Although formal registration does take time and effort, anyone who is invested in your company will likely thank you for protecting their interests.